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Psychic self defense

“Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.” – wikipedia

Psychic bullies however are more subtle (as the imbalance is more energetic) and can drain another person’s energy often using little to no force.  In this capacity they will be referred to as psychic vampires.  In daoist energetics psychic attacks often play out from an interaction of two souls; corporal soul (acquired intellect) that resides in the lungs and the ethereal soul (heavenly intellect) that resides in the liver.

The first level of attack:

  • The liver general sets up a boundary for anger which is healthy when we understand how to navigate it.
  • The lungs set up the condition of grief from some separation in a more mundane manifestation.

If this persists the next level:

  • If one expresses anger but nothing changes it leads to depression.
  • The grief then turns into despair because hope is lost.

The 3rd stage of this development is indifference and minimization.  From a disassociation with the heart a new vampire emerges because a part of their existence still needs to feed the interaction of the heart on an ever demanding continual basis.  This blood thirst is usually fed from the above examples by using grief or rage to get attention.  Often times this vampire is not even aware of what they are doing.

Two things you can do:

Be careful of venting (either yourself or engaging in others) in forums or social media as it often attracts un-constructive outlets for anger and grief.  This aspect of anger resides in the wood element and ideally its flexible yet doesn’t break.  Find instead, constructive ways of redirecting anger perhaps the power to do something good.

Be mindful of being intoxicated in a public environment as you let your guard down and wake up with a different kind of hangover.

Lastly, while many vampires are not aware; a small number are highly trained and make use of alchemy and spiritual agents to drain others either in bars and sporting events.  Keep your antennae up yinjas, to broadcast peace and positivity at it highest resonance.